September 4, 2023
@10am PST/1pm EST


Journey through a Live Activation using ancient and leading-edge energetic techniques to instantly clear your abundance blocks and call in your biggest dreams!


  • Waking up every day and receiving opportunities and money flowing into your bank account because your money magnetism is switched on at full power. 

  • Clients popping into your DM ready to “pay in full” after reading your social media posts. 

  • Dropping your self sabotaging wealth beliefs to activate your money manifestations and paying off your debts and live a VIP first class life. 

  • Manifesting the next level income in your business making more than you’ve ever thought was possible.  

  • Being seen as the leader and boss Queen of your industry and creating deeper levels of impact around the world by speaking your message and being on your divine soul purpose path.

Is this you?

Wondering where your magic “went”, you used to be able to manifest, but now it’s gone. 

You can manifest things here and there, but the BIG things feel unreachable. 

There’s a missing gap in where you are and where you want to be and you are ready to figure out the solution now.

The #1 reason you can’t manifest what you want is because the version of you right now does not align to the version of you that already has it all. That version exists in a higher vibrational state of mind and soul. 

So in order to manifest what you desire, we have to change the way you think, feel, and act to the state of the highest version of you. 

Powerful manifestors around the world have worked with Pamela and manifested some incredible things using her 21 Day Manifestation Method. In this 90 minute workshop, you will experience a powerful session and training to rewire your subconscious and energetically align with your highest mission, and unlock  your ability to materialise what you want.


Pamela is a manifestation expert, psychic business coach, and Akashic Records mentor. She is the CEO of Magic Money Manifest, Activated Business Academy, and co-founder of the Awakened Mystery School with Alexandra Hanly.  

She loves helping extraordinary magical entrepreneurs let go of their money blocks and move into receiving massive money flow so that they can start showing up as who they desire to be and create a bigger impact in the world. 

Pamela is also an author and deck creator with Llewellyn Worldwide, US Games, and Hay House. When she is not writing or coaching, she loves to travel to sacred sites around the world, watch Asian drama, and eat spicy Cheeto puffs with avocado.

In Manifest With Magic you will learn:

💰How to craft your own abundance spell for more money and good fortune. 

💰Why you aren’t manifesting massive goals or the intention that you’ve been dreaming of. 

💰What to look for after your spell and what actions to take to continue to fuel your magic. 

💰 The 4 realms of manifestation and how you might be only using one… 

💰We will be gathering for a potent prosperity ritual and activation.

Learn to work with magic and money on an entirely new level in the field of possibilities. #quantummanifest 

Walk out of the 90 minute advance abundance manifestation workshop with new manifestation tools and techniques and start changing your life now.